P-05-873 Free Welsh Lessons for the People of Wales


This petition was submitted by Sheryl Callard having collected a total of 95 signatures.


Text of Petition

When I was younger I was deprived of the right to study my native language in school, and because of that I am not speaking my native tongue today. I, and so many others of my generation, and even the younger generation are deprived of the means to speak Welsh because the teaching of Welsh in schools wasn't successful with them in the past. This is why I am asking the Welsh Government to right the wrongs of the past, and to show true leadership to fight for my right to learn my own language by providing Welsh classes and resources for free. We are asking for the Minister for Welsh to support this motion and fund the classes so I, and many others who were deprived of the Language get the chance to speak once more. This would work perfectly with the Welsh Government's plan to reach a Million Welsh Speakers by 2050, and would provide a spark for people to re-grasp their culture and their mother tongue once again. We ask the government to work with different agencies to provide these lessons to people in different areas, and by making learning services available on the web for people. Also to provide booklets and paper to different people from different background in Wales to have a chance in learning the Language.


Please secure this for the people of Wales who are passionate to regain their culture and native tongue.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Cardiff North

·         South Wales Central